Remitting Bank
- Ensure workable and concise instructions have been received from the exporter.
- Determine that the documents, as stated by the exporter, have been received and in the stated number of originals and copies.
- Prepare a collection instruction adding a unique reference number and including all relevant terms and conditions.
- Include payment instructions and requirements in the event of non-payment or non-acceptance.
- Ensure the transaction is stated to be subject to URC 522.
- In accordance with the instructions received, forward the documents to the collecting bank with, if applicable, instructions to forward the same to the presenting bank.
- Forward a copy of the instruction in the form of an acknowledgement to the exporter.
- Monitor the transaction on a regular basis in order to determine the status. Send follow-up messages to the collecting bank as required.
- Upon receipt of settlement or advice of acceptance, process in accordance with the exporter's instructions.
- In the event of non-payment or non-acceptance, advise the exporter of the reason(s) as advised by the collecting or presenting bank and seek further instructions for the handling of the collection.
It should be noted that a remitting bank is not obliged to handle a collection - see URC 522 sub-articles 1 (b) and (c).
Collecting or Presenting Bank
- Ensure the transaction is stated to be subject to URC 522.
- Check that the documents received are as listed in the collection instruction, including in the stated number of originals and copies.
- Review all terms and conditions of the collection instruction to ensure that they are workable and do not contravene any regulatory or internal requirements.
- If the importer is a customer, then also take on the role of presenting bank.
- If not, send to the presenting bank indicated in the collection instruction. If no presenting bank is indicated, determine whether or not a correspondent bank or branch can be utilised.
- Whether acting as a collecting or presenting bank, provide an advice to the importer to inform them of the receipt of the documentary collection.
- Make available to the importer copies of the documents received or invite the importer into its offices to facilitate payment or acceptance.
- Upon receipt of settlement or acceptance of the draft, process in accordance with the remitting bank's instructions (as contained in the collection instruction).
- In the event of non-payment or non-acceptance, handle in accordance with URC 522 sub-article 26 (c) (3) and/or the instructions contained in the collection instruction.
It should be noted that neither a collecting or presenting bank is obliged to handle a collection - see URC 522 sub-articles 1 (b) and (c).
This subject is covered in far greater detail within our training module ‘documentary collections in practice' which can be purchased at https://www.tradefinance.training/shop/